9:00 AM
F1 Routing 14 papers | Chairperson: Jorge Riera-LedesmaSalón de actos9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Multi-period Vehicle Routing Problem with Due Dates
C. Archetti, O. Jabali, M. G. Speranza -
Benders decomposition for the OCSTP
E. Fernández, C. Luna-Mota -
Vehicle Routing Problem with Shared Customers
M. Roca-Riu, E. Fernández, G. Speranza -
A branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for the Team Orienteering Arc Routing Problem
J. Riera-Ledesma, J. J. Salazar Gonzalez
Multi-period Vehicle Routing Problem with Due Dates
11:00 AM
CB Coffee breakSalón de la Cúpula11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
11:30 AM
F2 Routing 24 papers | Chairperson: Mercedes Landete RuizSalón de actos11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
The 2-Depot Vehicle and Driver Routing Problem
B. Domínguez Martín, I. Rodríguez Martín, J. J. Salazar Gonzalez -
A multi-depot heterogeneous vehicle routing problem in cities affected by a large scale disaster
P. H. Vaz Penna, A. C. Santos, C. Prins -
Periodic Vehicle Routing Problems: Modeling Alternatives and Solution Techniques
D. L. Huerta Muñoz, C. Archetti, E. Fernández -
The Cyclic Rank Aggregation Problem
M. Landete Ruiz, J. Alcaraz, E. M. García, J. F. Monge, J. Puerto Albandoz
The 2-Depot Vehicle and Driver Routing Problem
1:30 PM
LU LunchRestaurant1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
3:30 PM
F4 Combinatorial Optimization 32 papers | Chairperson: Juan José Salazar GonzálezSalón de actos3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Scheduling policies for multi-period collection
C. Núñez del Toro, E. Fernández, J. Kalcsics, S. Nickel -
A branch-and-cut algorithm for Two-Level Survivable Network Design Problems
I. Rodríguez Martín, J. J. Salazar González, H. Yaman
Scheduling policies for multi-period collection
4:30 PM
CB Coffee breakSalón de la Cúpula4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM
F4 Routing 33 papers | Chairperson: Ángel CorberánSalón de actos5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
On the Hierarchical Mixed Rural Postman Problem
M. Colombi, Á. Corberán, R. Mansini, I. Plana, J. M. Sanchis Llopis -
The Multi-Depot Rural Postman Problem
J. Rodríguez Pereira, E. Fernández -
Formulations and exact algorithms for the Distance Constrained Generalized Directed Rural Postman Problem
Á. Corberán, I. Plana, J. M. Sanchis Llopis
On the Hierarchical Mixed Rural Postman Problem