M. Sevaux, P. Bomel

Academic researchers are participating to many projects over their career but have always the sensation of a complete restart as soon as they initiate a new project. One of the reasons for this is that these researchers are not supported by professional computer engineers or computer architects on their projects. To overcome these difficulties and still organize collaborative development in our field, we propose to implement our main algorithms related to Vehicle Routing Problems in a web-service based platform. The purpose of the web-service platform is to allow an easy adaptation of a perfectly tailored method to solve a larger specific class of problems or different variants of the same problem.

The goal of this ambitious project is to create two communities around it. One community of developers that would be ready to use our platform to get real life instances, use our input format of data and adapt their methods to produce a compatible output that we can display in our platform. During the developing phase, there is no need that the researcher transfer his code or even his executable to our place. It's a web-based service with locally executable code. Once this code is ready, the researcher may decide to make it available for others by sending it to be uploaded on the platform.

The second community will be the one gathering the users. Most of the small or medium size companies needing the use of a routing software is very important but, because of lack of funds, competences or time, they often do not even think about it. By using our platform, they may become the real-life problem providers and will benefit for our ultimate research. The platform will allow them to execute on their data our optimization methods and finally make some ultimate modifications to perfectly adapt our solutions to their needs.

Keywords: VRP, Web-Service, collaboration


T1 Combinatorial Optimization 2
October 1, 2015  9:30 AM
Salón de actos

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